Lillies next to a waterfall

Design, Installation and Maintenance

Pond with waterfall, fish and landscaping


All consultations are performed by owner and outdoor living space enthusiast, Paul Zelenka. Paul’s lifetime of experience and knowledge allow him to provide for you the best design for your setting. Paul specializes in creating pondscapes, stone patios, stone walls and walkways to fit naturally into your existing environment.

Each Pondscapes design is custom. When it comes to ponds and watergardens, we specialize in low-maintenance designs using commercial grade materials. Paul is a true artist and perfectionist with an amazing eye and serious attention to detail. With Pondscapes you get the best of both worlds in a contractor…Your finished product will be aesthetically gorgeous and also completely structurally sound and built to last.

Schedule a visit



At Pondscapes we are ALL expert pond maintenance technicians. We maintain over 600 ponds and have EXCELLENT references. We have all been mastering the art of working with natural stone and moving water for many years.

We are your source for all things aquatic…

How can we help you?


Pondscapes Inc. | PO Box 366 Thurmont, MD 21788 | 240-446-2846 |
Member: International Water Lilly and Watergarden Society | MHIC #88198

Best of Show awards in 2012 and 2016 at the Frederick Home Show